After six years...
...he left her with only a broken heart.
Was it all because of the dreams?
The case is gruesome. Her nightmares are worse. If she doesn't get the killer, her life might just spiral out of control.
What's Maura's next move?
It has taken years for Times Picayune Investigative Reporter Maura Robichard to understand her magic, psychic powers, and highly evolved intuition. Generally, these gifts help her solve cases and get to the truth. But Maura has also discovered her powers can torment, injure, and take her to the brink of death if she's not careful.
The Witches Academy
A waitress attending night school at the academy discovers, along with the gift of magic, she has royal blood flowing through her veins. America’s latest foodie channel sweetheart is a real charmer, who discovers not all the magic happens in the kitchen. Clair struggles with taking control of her magical powers until she meets a guy who really needs her help. A beautiful witch, empowered with the gift of creating strong magic spells since childhood, now refuses to use them––until her friend’s murder changes everything. An investigative reporter’s strange visions force her to really use her powers. When a rival tries to mess with her magic a witch must find a way to rekindle her flame.
What do eight enchanted witches have in common? They’ve all attended the Witches Academy in the Big Easy, the foremost school of magic in the world. From coast to coast, each of these bewitched women will work at becoming who they are meant to be, using their powers to the fullest capacity.
Jen Talty - The New Order
Natalie Ann - Passionate Vision
Judith Lucci- Seer of Evil
Suzanne Jenkins - Secret Royalty
Anna Celeste Burke - Kitchen Magic
S. R. Mallery - Endangered Spells
Margaret A. Daly - Wickless
Tamara Ferguson - Enchantress